How To Maintain A Pest-Free Environment In Your Home

TIP! One of the things that you can do to get rid of the pest problem in your home is to vacuum all of the rugs in your house. Ants and tiny bugs hide in carpets, so that should eliminate some of your potential indoor insects.

Some pests are not only annoying and unsanitary, they can be hazardous to your health. Although it can be expensive and hard to completely rid your home of pests, you need to do whatever you can. The following tips and techniques will help you control the pests.

Vacuum every rug you own to remove pests. You will sweep up pests living in the carpeting. Change the bag of your vacuum cleaner on a regular basis.

TIP! If you had a problem with bedbugs in the past and you believe they have been eradicated, be warned. Bedbugs can hibernate an entire year.

Are you getting fruit flies even after you’ve eliminated them? The issue may lie in your drain. To see if your drains are breeding grounds for fruit flies simply place plastic wrap over your drain. After a few days, check to see if your drains have fruit flies. If you see some fruit flies, boil some water and pour it down the drain or use a drain cleaner. This should prevent them from breeding in there.

TIP! If your water system has any leaks, fix them. All pests need a water source to survive.

If you have had a bedbug infestation and you think they are all gone, be careful. Bedbugs are able to go without eating for up to a year. Close all the holes and cracks in your walls and floors. They will not be able to hide in these spots.

TIP! When considering new trees for your yard, pay attention to where you place them, keeping them away from your house. Rodents can enter your home more easily if they can climb a tree and drop onto your roof.

Always store your food carefully. Pests always come when they smell food, so don’t leave things lying around to create an attractive scent. Also, when your trash is full, be sure to take it out right away. Pests are also attracted to the scent of garbage.

TIP! People that struggle with pests and bugs may have some solutions that they aren’t even aware of. Visit a home improvement or hardware store near you and ask for professional assistance.

Do you find that you are battling ants in your home? There are many home remedies, but one effective one is mixing sugar with borax. Borax in the sugar will kill the ants. To create the mixture, get a jar the size of a quart and mix one cup borax and one of sugar. Put holes in your lid, and then sprinkle it along your home’s foundation.

TIP! If you own a camper or trailer that you keep in storage, mice can find it, find a way inside, and treat it like home. Natural repellents exist that can keep them at bay, however.

Find out if you have any stagnant water laying around. Pests love standing water because it is a drinking source and also a breeding ground for certain insects. Check your home thoroughly for leaking pipes, and don’t forget to empty and clean the trays under your house plants. Pests rely on water for survival so make sure to get rid of any water sources you can think of.

TIP! Make sure that you do not incorporate rat poison in your pest control regimen if you have a dog or cat. If your pet kills or plays with the rodent, it may get the poison in its system.

Place brushes a foot or more away from the home to keep pests from invading. Insects that nest in wild brush will enter your home if they are close enough. If bushes are near your windows or any other point of entrance, bugs will come off the bushes into your house.

TIP! Drains are favorite places for pest to live. Therefore, you should ensure that you regularly clean them on a monthly basis.

Seal off cracks and crevices throughout your home. Insects, and even small rodents, will use these cracks to get into your home, no matter how small these cracks are. Seal these cracks and place some orange oil or poison to keep the pest away.

TIP! Utilize plastic containers for storing dry goods. Open boxes and bags in your cabinets are an open invitation for pests.

Outside lights have their advantages but you should know these lights will attract pests. If outdoor lights are necessary, use yellow, orange or pink bulbs to keep pests at bay.

TIP! Cracks in your home’s basement or structure are entrances for pests. When a house gets older, you will probably find cracks in it.

Drains are favorite places for pest to live. Be certain you check your drains regularly. Clean them with a snake monthly or use a liquid cleaner. Mold and debris can provide pests with an attractive environment.

TIP! Your recycling might be a source of attraction for pests. To prevent this, the best choice is to store these bins outside of the house.

As we said before, it is hard to live with an insect issue, and it is also not healthy. Therefore, this issue should be addressed right away. Utilize the advice you’ve just read to assist you in discovering, controlling, and eliminating those pesky pets.